Fat Reducing Injections with Kybella

images (1)The FDA has approved Kybella, formerly known as ATX-101, an  injectable drug that reduces localized fatty deposits in the chin and neck line. This drug is a compound known as deoxycholate (DC) and it offers patients an opportunity to improve the chin and jawline through a series of injections. Dr. Jewell attended the FDA panel hearing that approved this drug and made comments.

According to Dr. Jewell, there are many good options for patients seeking to improve their jaw line. This includes both Vaser liposuction and injectable drugs, like Kybella. Surgical liposuction gives a more immediate outcome and Kybella takes a few weeks.

Many patients are bothered by fatty deposits in the chin and jawline region. If they have good skin tone and meet selection criteria, they should consider Kybella, according to Dr. Jewell.

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